3 Simple Ways to End Black and White Thinking

3 Simple Ways to End Black and White Thinking


Many creative people live at the extremes. They are up or down. It's everything or nothing. Black or white. This way of thinking is habitual and feels normal to those who have creative tendencies. However, by breaking this habit, you can better harness your talents and realise your potential. 

There are 3 simple things that you can do to break this habit and significantly change the way you experience life.

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Living at the Extremes – Is this you?

Living at the Extremes – Is this you?

Do you spend your life living at the extremes? Up or down. Black or white. 

The inner life of the AD(H)D experience, or that of the gifted creative person, can feel as turbulent and unpredictable as the sea itself. Let us explore the effects of living at the extremes and understand what we can do to sail on calmer waters. 


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