Healing Heroes with Suzie Jennings [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Suzie Jennings who developed Heroes at Ease, the first yoga programme specifically for wounded military, explains how yoga helps war veterans in overcoming PTSD.

Scientists like Peter Levine   and Bessel an der Kolk are revealing how trauma takes  hold of the physical body. Memory is a sensory experience, says psychiatrist van der Kolk and modern science is discovering that the ancient tradition of yoga is a particularly effective way to release traumatic memories, lodged in the body. Freeing up the body inevitably creates spare capacity in the mind.

Having established a successful track record in the UK, Suzie Jennings will launch her teacher training course to work with wounded soldiers later this year at the Kripalu Center in Lennox, MA.

Listen to her talk about how she developed the programme for military personnel who have lost limbs while serving for the British Army, and watch her at work in the clips below. 

View the special BBC report of Heroes at Ease and Suzie below.

If you enjoyed watching the interview and report on Suzie Jennings, you may also enjoy watching my interview with Judy Malloy who also speaks about the profound importance of listening to our bodies. View the interview here >>