Time to Talk - Interview on Mental Health and the Creative Mind

Time to Talk - Interview on Mental Health and the Creative Mind

Today, Thursday February 5th, is Time to Talk Day - an initiative led by Time to Change and other organisations, to encourage us to take just 5 minutes to talk about mental health.  In this 5 minute interview, I discussed the state of creative people in the world today, why we need you and one small thing you can do this week to improve your own emotional health.

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FREE AUDIO: The Constant Paradox of the Creative Mind

FREE AUDIO: The Constant Paradox of the Creative Mind

Creative minds are often buried under stress symptoms such as depression or anxiety. The talents are not recognised and people are confused about the contradictions. For instance, why can someone be in the zone, utterly absorbed one moment and yet distractible, forgetful and shambolic the next? Partners or parents lose patience, and creative minds themselves struggle through life tormented by feelings of guilt.

Listen to this extract from the CD, 'Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind' to learn more.

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